June 14, 2013: Tree Time June 13 June 16 2013 FOTD Home
  Rating A-7, M-6

tree time

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts: 

I have used today's formula very rarely, so it is almost like a new one.  It might be wise for newer fractal fans (if any) to include it in one of their formula files.

There have been many fractal trees in FOTD history, and today's image is another tree.  Most FOTD trees have been shaped like apple trees, but today's tree resembles a pine tree, or more specifically a Christmas tree, since it appears to be decorated with lights.

The image is also the entire parent fractal, which was generated by calculating the expression Z^(1.1)+Z^(-1.1)+C in the Oblate direction and rotating the scene 90 degrees.  This parent fractal is actually a sideways view of the Seahorse Valley of the critical Mandeloid slice of the parent Julibrot.

The name "Tree Time" is a simple comment on the image and the frequency of fractal trees in FOTD history.

The artistic value of 7 and mathematical value of 6 are close to average, which makes the calculation time of 45 seconds kind of a bargain.

A very pleasant though slightly chilly day was enjoyed by all here at Fractal Central today.  I enjoyed the interesting clouds in the sky; FL enjoys the near perfect mix of sun and rain that has her garden in top shape; the fractal cat Nicholas enjoyed his extra treat of turkey and cheddar.  For the record, the sky was partly cloudy and the temperature reached a high of 75F 24C.

The next FOTD will be posted within a matter of hours.  Exactly how many hours remains to be seen.  Until whenever, take care, and why stop halfway with only *gun* control?  Let's pass a law to control everything that could be used to hurt anyone.  No, that wouldn't work.  We would have to ban fists, which certainly can cause injury, and that would mean removing everyone's hands.  And what about mouths, which sometimes utter words that can cause more harm than fists and guns combined?

It appears that banning things would not work.  We'll just have to pass a law to control human behavior.  But then who would write the laws describing which type of human behavior would be banned -- idealistic young liberals striving for social equality or greedy old capitalists striving for more profit . . . or maybe Big Brother, or even the aliens from Sirius-C.  Too bad -- I guess nothing is going to change.

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

Tree_Time          { ; time=0:00:45.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=dec-97.par
  formulaname=OblateMix center-mag=3.20558/0/0.3299/\
  9.2497/90/0 params=1/1.1/1/-1.1/0/-1.36989 float=y
  maxiter=5000 inside=253 logmap=yes periodicity=6

frm:OblateMix {; Jim Muth
a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2):
|z| <= 100 }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================