June 20, 2013: In Search of Reality June 19 June 21 2013 FOTD Home
  Rating A-7, M-6

in search of reality

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts: 

Today's image is evaporated, which means that all the 'outside' stuff, from which the points eventually will escape, has vanished and been replaced by a screen consisting of totally 'inside' stuff, from which no points will ever escape.  This bit of mayhem is a result of the ridiculous bailout radius of 10^100, better known as one-googol, which has been set by the imag(p3) parameter.

A flat screenfull of all-inside stuff can be quite boring, but the active inside fills can often bring these 'dead' images to life.  In today's image the 'bof61' fill does the job.

The formula behind the madness subtracts 2.72 parts of Z^(-2.7) from 8.5 parts of Z^(-1.6) then adds (1/C) on each iteration.  This creates a parent fractal with X-axis symmetry, which resembles a Mandelbrot set rotated 180 degrees with its west end facing east and its normal east end replaced by a large open bay.  A kind of double crescent moon lies in this open area, and today's scene lies in one of these crescents.

The name "In Search of Reality" does not refer to one of the current crop of contrived 'reality' TV shows.  It refers to the questionable reality of things like fractals, sub-atomic particles, and of course ghosts.

The calculation time of 2-3/4 minutes is slow enough to make the calculation a bother.  But the web sites can bring a miracle cure.

The weather was near perfect here at Fractal Central today, with a temperature of 82F 28C and a Photoshop-blue sky decorated with the kind of clouds that have faces in them.  The fractal cat slept all afternoon while the humans went on a short trip in the surrounding countryside.

The next FOTD will be posted before too long, most likely within 24 hours.  Until then, take care, and skeptics know that truly paranormal things such as ghosts are all in the mind.  At the same time, some people have already experienced the paranormal.  But it's a trick of their minds, and they must be shown their understandable mistakes.  To hear scientific claims that make ghosts and hauntings seem like everyday normality, they should talk with a cosmologist or a physicist.

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

InSearch_OfReality { ; time=0:02:45.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm
  formulaname=MandAutoCritInZ function=recip float=y
  -60/0 params=8.5/-1.6/-2.72/-2.7/0/1e+100/0/0
  maxiter=1400 inside=bof61 logmap=yes periodicity=10
  EhaFgaGfaHeaIdaJcaKcaLbaM }

frm:MandAutoCritInZ {; Jim Muth
a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2),
g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(((-a*b*g*h)^j)+(p4)),
k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel):
|z| < l }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================